Events Calendar
New location, same city, more adventures to experience! We invite everyone to be part of this new experience as we will be taking it to the track! We will still have our exclusive upperclassmen showcase along with some motorsports fun! We will have roll racing for those who want to show off their power and drifting for those who want to get sideways! Car show will take place outdoors in the center of the venue. We will have a car meet section as always for those who do not want to be in the show portion, which will also be on pavement.
5500 Victory Ln, Millington, TN 38053
Vehicle Registration:
2 Wheel Registration:
Vendor Registration:
General Admission Tickets:
We encourage everyone to get their tickets early and save money!
Online Early Bird $15 with code "facebook"
Online $20
At the gate - $25
Drag | Drift Open Hours: 12pm-5pm
The cost to Drag/Drift as follows:
Drag: 1 Motorsport admission ticket + $25 due at tech station
Drift: 1 Motorsport admission ticket + $25 due at tech station
Drag | Drift combo: 1 Motorsport admission ticket + $40 due at tech station
Order Your Motorsport Admission ticket below:
Online Early Bird $15 with code "facebook"
Online $20
At the gate - $25
Show Hosts:
Brian MC Slick
Faith Marone
Sponsors & Vendors:
Klutch Wheels
Concept One Wheels
Grip Royal
Panda Motor Works LLC
Faith Marone
Monica Thayer
Kalila Hardin
Alexandria Lea
Holly Bayne
Miranda Dowell
We will have a pre-meet and BIG after party everyone must attend to fully enjoy the Stoopicold experience.
Stoopicold PreMeet Hosted by Battlegang
Stoopicold 2019 After Party
Award Categories are based upon the approved participants. If your vehicle does not have a specific “MODEL” category, then you will be competing for the “MAKE” category and “Specialty Awards”.
Please keep in mind that the awards are an added bonus to our events. Our main goal is to provide the people with a great show and for everyone to have an amazing time! We look forward to seeing everyone!
*New to our show tour we will be offering CASH prizes for our show participants. Please remember the purpose of our shows is to entertain everyone and make sure you all have a great time. We encourage friendly competition and no sore loser attitudes (our judgement is final).
*New to our show tour we will be donating all profits of our raffle to a local charity! For this event, St. Jude will be the charity we donate to!
5500 Victory Ln