Events Calendar

Sumospeed: Night Moves
Saturday, March 16, 2019

Welcome back to Sumospeed Night Moves! For 2019 we are changing things up a bit. We have reduced the number of meets we are doing from 9 to 5, but increasing the length of each meet from 3 hours to 5, with them starting at 5pm and running until 10 (our 2 Friday dates will run from 6pm to 10pm.

Each event will also have a theme related to the time of the month and year that they are taking place, they are:

Saturday, March 16th - St. Patrick's Day
Saturday, May 4th - Cinco De Mayo
Friday, July 5th - 4th of July
Saturday, August 10th - Back to school drive
Friday, October 25th - Trunk or Treat

We will have more details about each of these meets as we get closer to them.

We do ask that all those attending please respect each other, the venue, our staff, and the officers on site by refraining from excessive revving, burnouts, racing, speeding, and other activities that could jeapordize these events or our good standing with the venue.

Pricing remains as it has been, at $5 per car for the paved lots, free for gravel.

Location Virginia Beach Sportsplex and Regional Training Center
2044 Landstown Centre Way
Virginia Beach