IASCA Worldwide Inc. affiliate IASCA Turkey held its first event in 5 years at the Ataturk Olimpiyat (Olympic) Stadium in Istanbul, Turkey. Dozens of competition vehicles and close to 10,000 spectators attended the event which was held on September 24th.
The IdBL event was officiated by World Record Judge Terry Floyd of Dothan, Alabama. “Traveling to Turkiye was indeed a pleasure to represent IASCA Worldwide in conducting an official World Record event for the Turkish people.” Floyd said “They were very kind and full of energy, enthusiasm and excited to have an event of this magnitude. Their vehicles are on the same level as most I have seen across the US and other countries. They have the knowledge and spirit of competition in their blood with a passion as all of us do for the love of car audio.” Terry continued to say “I am proud to have been part of this exciting event and hope to go back soon. The Turkish people are kind and generous and very thoughtful. I must say it changed my perception of that country. Istanbul is populated with over 20 million people and it seemed to be alive and thriving.”
Event Promoter Pasam Sezer, who owns Pasam Tuning, hosts automotive events across the country and has recently become the face of IASCA in the country. This was his first IASCA event and he was very pleased with the turnout; more events are being planned for the future and Turkish competitors are looking forward to a revitalization of car audio competition in the country.
Along with a strong competitor and spectator presence, there was also solid manufacturer support and presence at the event as well, including manufacturers from around the world and distributors of their products; Sound Digital, DD Audio, PRV, DS18, Morel, JBL and many more had vendor booths at the show, supporting the event and the competitors.
Moe Sabourin, Director of Operations for IASCA Worldwide Inc. said, “With all the strife in the world these days, it’s evident that the passion for car audio brings different cultures together when events such as this take place. Turkey has seen more than its share of difficulties these last few years along its border with Syria, as well as terror attacks, but the passion for car audio rises above all of this and shines through. It shows that we have a lot more in common and less differences after all.”
Sabourin continued to say: “Having attended one of IASCA Turkey’s events in 2007, I was truly hoping to return myself, but unfortunately duties at home precluded me from doing so. Terry did a phenomenal job there; the IASCA office has received numerous emails praising Terry for the work he did at the show; IASCA is fortunate to have such a great representative.”
The IdBL Ultimate Class score was broken by Turkish competitor Ali Yildirim and his armored car, setting a record score of 179.8 dB, surpassing South Africa’s Len Potgeiter’s score by over 2 dB.
For information on the new IASCA Worldwide, please visit our website at www.iasca.com or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For information on IASCA Turkey, visit www.iasca.com.tr.
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