Name: Arturo Torres
Company: atorresphoto/cutiecourt
Location: San Francisco, CA
The Interview
PAS: Who are you?
Art Torres: My name is Arturo Torres. I'm a Latino photographer/designer. Most people call me Art.
PAS: Where are you from? Are currently living there?
Art Torres: Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay area. I currently live in the east bay.
PAS: Did you go to school to study photography?
Art Torres: Never took a photography class. Self-taught from day 1.
PAS: How did you get into photography?
Art Torres: It all started with automotive photography - taking random photos of cars. Then one day a friend asked if I could take some photos of her. They came out pretty decent, even though I used a cheap point and shoot. Soon after I started my portfolio, and it all took off.
PAS: How long have you been a photographer?
Art Torres: I've been a photographer for about 2 years now; an artist since birth.
PAS: How would you describe your style?
Art Torres: My style ranges from Urban Glamour to High Fashion. I love trying new things, experimenting. Some of my best shots were a result of just playing around with different ideas. I’m very easy to work with. Goofy, yet very professional.
PAS: What sort of equipment and software do you use?
Art Torres: I work with a Canon 40D with a bunch of different lenses. Software of choice is Photoshop. I started using Photoshop at a young age. It all began with Photoshop 5.0 on my Macintosh G3/266.
PAS: Where is your favorite location to shoot pictures?
Art Torres: My favorite place to shoot really depends on the subject. I would have to say I enjoy shooting anywhere and everywhere.
PAS: Are you a Mac or PC user?
Art Torres: Mac baby. As a photographer/designer Mac just makes everything easier. Plus they are sexy looking machines.
PAS: What has been your most memorable assignment or model to work with? Why?
Art Torres: Most memorable assignment was a beach shoot. The model was in the water, I was in the water, and my assistant was holding the light about 5ft from me. Shoot was going great, minus the freezing temperature. Next thing I know, my assistant is screaming, drops the light in the water, model is freaking out, I’m freaking out... turns out he was being electrocuted. haha. He was okay; it just a little shock. My light was gone. Photo's turned out great. All worth it!
PAS: What would you say to other enthusiast photographers out there who aspire to become a great photographer?
Art Torres: Work hard. Practice! You don't need school or fancy cameras to be a successful photographer. Don't listen to any negative feedback. Just focus on your work.
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