Name: Michael Khein
Company: MKPHOTO
Location: Orange County, CA
The Interview
PAS: Who are you?
Michael Khein: I’m Mike, who the hell are you? Jkjk My name is Mike and I’m a Glamour photog from Southern California.
PAS: Where are you from? Are you currently living there?
Michael Khein: I was born and raised in CA and plan to be here for a long time. Can’t beat the weather.
PAS: Did you go to school to study photography?
Michael Khein: No, I just had a vision and went with it. I wont say that school doesn’t work but if you have the eye and the knowledge to work your equipment then your golden.
PAS: How did you get into photography?
Michael Khein: I got into photography because of my girlfriend Genna. I got a cool car and thought id be cool to shoot her. I’ll never forget our first shoot, she stood on the roof of my brand new car and we thought it was the coolest thing ever. Those were the good days.
PAS: How long have you been a photographer?
Michael Khein: Going on 4 solid years now.
PAS: How would you describe your style?
Michael Khein: I would describe my style as pin-up glamour. How’s that possible. Well I mainly shoot behind a white background (pin up style) and ask the models to dress and pose with glamour look so clash those together and you get a great turnout.
PAS: What sort of equipment and software do you use? Why?
Michael Khein: I use the Canon 50D with multiple lens’s. I also use Photoshop CS4 and a couple plug-ins.
PAS: Where is your favorite location to shoot pictures? Studio? Beaches? Etc
Michael Khein: My studio of course. It’s the only place where I’m in control over 100% of everything. I tried the beach but there’s too many freaks out there staring and waves taking out the models.
PAS: Are you a MAC or PC user?
Michael Khein: PC :( I should be on a MAC but their laptops are too small. I’m always on the go so a iMac wouldn’t work out for me.
PAS: What has been your most memorable assignment or model to work with? Why?
Michael Khein: I think this is obvious, my girlfriend Genna. Not only because she’s my girlfriend and I’m trying not to make this sentimental but she is the best model I have ever work with. She knows what she’s doing, gets it done fast and lets me shoot her whenever I want (most of the time). What more can a photographer ask for.
PAS: What would you say to other enthusiast photographers out there who aspire to become a great photographer?
Michael Khein: All I can say is stick in there. You won’t blow up in one day but never sell yourself short and continue to bug the “big” models for shoots even though they should be begging photographers to take photos of them. Pick a style that’s all your own. if you like your photos then go for it and be unique.
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