PN Photos

Photographer Spotlight: Paul Nguyen / PN Photos

As a marketing representative for a large aftermarket parts distribution company and USA national car show tour, Paul Nguyen of PN Photos (Pasadena, California) has learned to be a determined individual. The same can be said of his photography.

Photographer Spotlight: Paul Nguyen / PN PhotosPhotographer Spotlight: Paul Nguyen / PN Photos

Much can be said about photography and one's style of photography, but as Paul mentions, "shoot what you love. Don't follow a shooting trend. You'll get criticism but brush it off and use it to make yourself better."

Photographer Spotlight: Paul Nguyen / PN Photos

Name: Paul Nguyen
Company: PN Photos
Location: City of Industry, California, USA


2014 Toyota FJ Cruiser

Photographer Spotlight: Paul Nguyen / PN Photos

Did you go to school to study photography?
Not at all. I'm self-taught.

How did you get into photography?
I just bought a DSLR one day and started shooting anything that caught my eye.

Photographer Spotlight: Paul Nguyen / PN Photos

How long have you been a photographer?
6 years

What equipment and software do you use?
Canon Mark ii has done me right - it's super easy to use and durable. I only use Adobe Lightroom for editing. I couldn't use Photoshop if my life depended on it! I believe in shooting until it's right. Don't get me wrong - there are amazing Photoshop users out there. It's just not for me.

Photographer Spotlight: Paul Nguyen / PN Photos

Where is your favorite location to shoot pictures?
I love shooting outdoors or with natural light; it let's you capture certain moods that studio lighting don't allow.

Are you a Mac or PC user?
Mac all the way!

Photographer Spotlight: Paul Nguyen / PN Photos

What has been your most memorable assignment?
My first feature for PASMAG with Rosie Ly. We started at 11pm and shot all the way until morning. It was my first real concept shoot and working with her opened my eyes to a whole new world.

What would you say to other enthusiast photographers out there who aspire to become a great photographer?
Shoot what you love. Don't follow a shooting trend. You'll get criticism but brush it off and use it to make yourself better. If you're shooting to meet girls just stop right now!

Photographer Spotlight: Paul Nguyen / PN Photos

Experience and credentials:
PASMAG,SPOCOM, GUESS Clothing, various restaurants and travel agencies.

Photographer Spotlight: Paul Nguyen / PN Photos

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