The Essentials
Name: Terence Gamble
Company: Terence Gamble Photography
Location: Carmel, New York
The Interview
Who are you? Describe yourself
I'm Terence Gamble, AKA Mr5Starz. Probably the only original individual anyone has ever met. Just be ready for anything to fly out of my mouth. Most of the time I’m free-spirited, easy going, mellow and full of comedy gold. Love the third person referencing!
Where are you from? Are you currently living there?
I'm from the US and yes I currently live here.
Did you go to school to study photography?
How did you get into photography?
Well, back in my day, we didn't have DSLRs. My father toyed around with photography at every function.
How long have you been a photographer?
Good question! I've always had a camera of some sort in my hand growing up and now here we are umpteen years later with the title “Photographer,” and my own business.
How would you describe your style?
My style is edgy; I'll do what most wouldn't attempt. Let’s just say, near death experiences are more common than not.
What sort of equipment and software do you use? Why?
I started off with a Panasonic 35mm film camera, then the Arch Nemesis Nikon series, but Canon is more of my style and fits my pocket needs. I work with Photoshop Elements 7 and Lightroom; I’m that kind of person.
Where is your favorite location to shoot pictures? Studio? Beaches? Etc.
My favorite location to shoot is anywhere I can make my vision a reality.
Are you a MAC or PC user?
What has been your most memorable assignment or vehicle/model to work with? Why?
My most memorable vehicle I've shot would have to be Muzzy’s 350z at this year’s Fresh Meet. I’m a huge Nissan enthusiast and owner of several Nissans, currently a G35, which I'm about to attempt a 4.6 super-charged swap in. I’m coming Muzzy!!!
What would you say to other enthusiast photographers out there who aspire to become a great photographer?
Honestly, the best advice I will give is to find a genre and master it before moving on to the next. Set timeline goals to your work; take constructive criticism to heart and learn from your mistakes. My success came when all that was noted and executed. I’m still learning and ahead of my timeline goals.
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