Importfest, Canada's "biggest and baddest" car show, returned to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre once again for 2023. Making this year extra special for us at PASMAG was the fact that our good friend, and former Tuner Battlegrounds winner, Luke Skalisius, would be coming up from St. Louis to join us - and he was bringing his Tuner Battlegrounds winning Subaru STi build! In a cruel twist of fate, Tuning 365 Host and PASMAG Editor Adam Gordon had a vacation booked for the same weekend that the show was taking place, but that gave us an idea. What if Luke hosted the show instead?
Having previously hosted some content at Formula DRIFT St. Louis for us in recent past, Luke was a natural. Join him on his journey from St. Louis to Toronto, with all of the stops and drama of shipping a car along the way. Luckily, thanks to Safe Auto, we managed to squeeze his car into the show just in the nick of time. From there, it's Luke on the street as we peruse Importfest looking for its coolest cars and most entertaining people. Thanks for joining us, Luke!
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