MECA's 168th event of the year was the big kahuna, the Big Show, the 2010 World Finals Soundfest. Approximately 120 vehicles from 20 states arrived to determine the MECA World Champions for 2010. Held at the James E. Ward Agricultural & Community Center in Lebanon, TN, Commissioner Steve Stern provided a gigantic red and white circus tent to feature sponsors and SQL vehicles that are not being judged. Sound Quality League vehicles were judged in a huge pavilion, with a stage area that will display 1st - 5th Place trophies. First place trophies are 6' tall and the Best of Best of Show trophy was a staggering 7.5' tall!
Sponsors for the event are:
Arc Audio sponsors the Sound Quality League
TermLab sponsors the Sound Pressure League
Title sponsors are:
Power Acoustik
Precision Power
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