The Essentials
Name: Elaina Christina
Birthday: July 30th
Location (City, State/Province): Fort Lauderdale, FL
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 120
Measurements: 34C-24-34
Ethnicity: Father: Greek and Russian. Mother: Italian, French, Irish
Turn-ons: Dedication, pride, smile, eyes.
Turn-offs: Cockiness, Metro sexuals.
Pet Peeves: When people eat with their mouth open. When someone eats some of my food without asking.
Twitter: @ElainaChristina
PASNATION Username: ElainaChristina
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The Interview
Is “Elaina Christina” your real name or model name?
It is both ;) It is my first and middle name. I think they sound nice together, so I use it as my modeling name.
What were you like growing up?
Growing up, I was very shy, and intimidated by the “cool” kids. I have always been a little entrepreneur though! While most kids were playing Barbies I was making money. I used to sell avocados on the side of the road. I had lemonade stands, bake sales, cleaned people’s yards - anything to make some cash. I started doing things like when I was seven years old.
Does your personality match your Zodiac sign? Describe.
I would definitely say so! Leo’s are very stubborn, my boyfriend can attest to that. The creativity Leo’s possess is one of my favorite traits. I am a painter/crafter. Anything creative gets me excited!
How long have you been modeling?
A little over a year now.
What would you say are your strengths as a model? (Ex. body, eyes, smile, certain poses and emotions...)
I would have to say my strength as a model would be my ability to portray a certain emotion through a facial/body expression. A lot of models seem to think that because they are “modeling”, looking pretty is all they have to worry about. I beg to differ. As a model, it is our job to make an onlooker feel a certain way through one look at our image. A good model can give that feeling through her eyes alone.
Do you have any birthmarks, scars or tattoos? Please state "what", "where", "how noticeable?"
I have two huge tats. One on my upper middle back that says “Family Above Everything” (regret the tattoo, but the thought behind it, I’ll never regret). I also have one on my right ribs, a sad peacock bound by a ribbon that reads “what comes around goes around” (still live by this, but hate that tattoo). BOTH tattoos were done on a whim… if I could go back, I would never get a tattoo in my life.
Describe yourself in 3 words or statements.
Shy, nerdy and artistic.
What is your best beauty secret?
Face cream/sunscreen needs to be applied daily to your face, skin. You’ll thank me in 10 years ;)
What do you look for in a guy? What would he have to do to get your attention and to keep you interested?
In a guy the first thing I look for is a sense of humor. I love to laugh. Second thing would definitely have to be his smile and eye contact. I feel like I can see into a man’s soul through his eyes and smile. To keep me interested, I need a lot of suprises…no, not gifts, just random changes in our everyday life. I need someone to keep me on my toes to say the least.
What gets you in the mood?
A soft sensual kiss on the neck.
How do you feel about pick-up lines? What was the best line that was used on you? Did it work?
I hate guys that use pick up lines. Honestly, I don’t even think guys think that they work… I think they just enjoy the weird reactions they get when they use them. Compliments are pretty over-rated too. If you want to take me out and get to know me, show me.
What’s the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you on a date? How did the rest of the night go?
An ex-boyfriend took me to a graveyard to tell me something. When we got there, he told me he was a psychic. I just nicely listened to his reasoning of why he thought he was psychic, and tried to keep my thoughts silent the rest of the night ;)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how wild are you in the bedroom?
Would never say ;)
What do you wear to bed?
Underwear and a tank.
What item of clothing or accessory makes you feel the sexiest?
I would have to say a bikini. Growing up, I hated how thin I was, so I never showed my body off. Now, even though I’m still super thin, I’ve learned that we are all built differently. Just because people stare at the beach, doesn’t mean you should cover up. Took me awhile to realize that ;)
Have you posed in the nude? If so, how did it make you feel?
Never. Would never.
Where can we see you? (Ex. shows, TV, magazines, etc)
You can currently find me on as a potential 2013 Hometown Hottie. I have been on Telemundo numerous times for different fashion shows. You can also spot me on various swimwear/clothing/lingerie sites such as,,,, and many many more.
What is your dream car? What modifications/upgrades would you make, and why?
My dream car is a Audi R8 Spyder, all black with lime green accents. Rims would be all black. I would definitely tint the lights, and I would need a speaker on the outside of the car so I can still jam out while I’m pumping the gas ;)
Do you have many traffic violations? Any stories you’d like to share with us?
I have had plenty of speeding tickets… way too many red light tickets, and a few seatbelt tickets. I am a really fast driver. My friends confuse fast with “bad”… but they’re just confused.
With any ‘spotlight’ type of job, you are looked upon as a role model. What advice would you give out to aspiring models?
One thing that I cannot stress enough is the simple fact that absolutely anything is possible. A little piece of advice that I would love to share is: Persistence is the key to your dreams. As a model, or any profession for that matter, there will always be someone behind you saying you’ll never make it. Those people should be the fire up your ass to keep you moving. You will always, always, have times of discouragement…times when you question if all of this is even worth it, push past that!! Those discouraging thoughts will continue to surface, keep rising above them and I can guarantee that you will make it.
Words to live by?
Tomorrow is never promised.
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