Name: Geralynn "Gee" Castillo
Location: Kent, WA
Birthday: August 14th
Height: 5'1"
Weight (lbs): 100 lbs
Measurements: 32B, 23, 32
Ethnicity/Nationality: Filipino/Chinese/Irish
Where are you from? And, are you currently living there? If not, where are you currently living?
I am currently residing in the beautiful city of Seattle, Washington.
Does your personality match your Zodiac sign? Describe.
I believe my personality matches my Zodiac sign; a Leo. They say that Leo's are very loyal, supportive, confident, and generous. I would have to agree with all of these. When it comes down to friends and family, I am the most loyal friend a person could have. When someone is struggling, I support them and do whatever I can to help. I am confident in any skills that I possess and I believe I can make it to the top if I just believe in myself.
What would you say are your strengths as a model?
In my opinion, one of my strengths as a model is my smile. Everyone tells me I have a smile that could brighten up anyone's day!
What is your best beauty secret?
You don't need to buy really expensive makeup to look good! My everyday makeup routines are all brands from any drugstore!
Where can we see you?
I attend small car events up in Washington. I attened NOS Forum Fest this year in Kent. I also have a few shows coming up. There have been a few websites I have been featured on as well:
What are your future plans (long term goals)?
I'm hoping to be able to be seen in magazines along with all the great import models, such as Dannie Riel and Levy Tran!
Do you drink? If so, what do you drink? If not, why do you not drink?
I drink occasionally. And when I do it's usually dark drinks like Crown Royal, Hennessy, or Jack Daniels. I also love all the girly drinks like Mike's Hard, and Smirnoff Ice.
What is the best present you received? What is the best present you gave?
The best present I received would have to be the shoes that I want! I am always surprised by friends or family with shoes that I have always wanted! I love shoes!<3 The best present I have given would probably have to also be shoes. I love seeing the looks on their faces when I get them the shoes they love.
Where (restaurants) do you like to eat? What do you order? Why?
I love Olive Garden. Pasta would probably have to be one of my favorite foods. I also love Pho. So anywhere with good pho would be my favorite place to eat.
What do you do on your spare time?
In my spare time I like to sing, dance, or play video games! That's right, I'm a gamer!
How do you keep in such excellent shape? Explain your daily/exercise routine.
Honestly, I don't do a single thing to keep in shape. I can eat all I want, and I don't gain any weight. I guess it's just in my family genes.
Are you big on first impressions? What do you first notice on a man?
I am huge on first impressions. The first thing I notice on a man would have to be their smile. I want to be able to look at a smile that would make me smile!
What's on your travel itinerary? Are you planning to go to any events in the future and/or vacation with your family, friends or 'significant other'?
Well I have a few upcoming shows to go to up here in Washington. I am planning on going to Desirable on the 22nd, and then inMotion Indoor Car Show & Drift event on September 29th. As for a vacation, I am going to Disneyworld in Florida with a special someone in January!
How would you like your boyfriend to propose to you?
It really doesn't have to be all that big. It would be nice! But maybe a walk on the beach at night, with fireworks lighting off. A proposal in that kind of environment would be wonderful.
Marriage song? What song would you like played on your wedding night? Why?
Hmm.. that's a tough one! I'm actually not really sure on this one. Maybe me and my future husband can decide on it together in the future.
Any shout-outs or last words?
I would like to give a shout out to my brother/photographer, Mike De Castillo. My photographer Neoracer, and all the websites that have featured me! And of course to all of my fans continuously supporting me. Wouldn't have gotten this far without you guys!
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