Natasha Yi certainly gets noticed, as this ultra hot babe was first discovered by Playboy magazine, who scouted Natasha during her senior year of high school. Her steamy appearance in the famous adult magazine quickly launched the career of this memorable mixed Asian-American model to all new heights. Natasha is a genuine, down-to-earth cutie who certainly likes to have fun. She’s even held super cool gigs over the years, including a stint as a Barker Beauty on The Price is Right with OG host Bob Barker. Natasha’s killer curves have also spawned a “virtual modeling” career of sorts, as she’s starred in a video game called Scarlett Angel and has been featured in animated form in other video game titles as well as a comic strip based on her own life. What more can we say? Natasha rocks! Let’s roll out the PAS Model Quiz and learn a little more on Ms. Natasha Yi.
Birth date: March 25
Sign of the Zodiac: Aries
Measurements: 34C / 24 / 34
Nationality: Korean
Hometown: Boston, MA
Turn-ons: Making out …it’s so much fun
Turn-offs: Bad hygiene
Pet Peeves: LA traffic… Grrrrrr!
PAS: Where are you originally from? We heard you’ve lived in several cities.
Natasha Yi: Well I was originally born in Boston, but lived in Connecticut, California and Colorado growing up as a kid. As an adult, I’ve lived in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York, but these days I’m back on the West Coast. I live in Southern California now!
PAS: How did you get your start in modeling, was your first gig with Playboy?
Natasha Yi: Yes, that was my first professional modeling job. Playboy first scouted me during my senior year in high school and my career took off from there.
PAS: What’s the best part of being a model?
Natasha Yi: You get a lot of free stuff (laughs).
PAS: Do you have a modeling secret weapon kind of like Zoolander’s blue steel?
Natasha Yi: You bet! My statue of liberty pose….people go nuts over it!
PAS: Describe yourself in a few words.
Natasha Yi: Genuine, honest and silly.
PAS: What are your most memorable model highlights so far?
Natasha Yi: I was the first Asian model to work as a Barker Beauty on The Price is Right. I’ve booked many commercials and major ad campaigns and have my own comic strip based on my life. I also star in my very own video game called Scarlet Angel where I fight villains as a freelance mercenary and I’ve also been animated as other characters in several video games for Xbox and Playstation. Plus, I’ve had the opportunity to be on the cover and featured in a number of major publications around the world including this one (smiles).
PAS: You’ve had several TV and film roles, where else may we have seen you before?
Natasha Yi: You may have also seen me playing characters in music videos for Panic at the Disco, Janelle Monae, Mariah Carey and The Urgency. I was also the host of Octane TV and have appeared on television shows such as Rules of Engagement, Jimmy Kimmel, Starter Wife and VIP. I’ve had lead or starring roles in several indie films such as Thunder Over Reno, Die Slow Kill Fast, A Woman is a Woman, and Elevations. You may have also seen me in movies such as Hell Ride, The Run Down, Cradle to the Grave, and Rush Hour 2. Right now, I’m working on an urban comedy film called Speed Dating and another movie called Alter Ego. Be sure to check out for updates.
PAS: Tell us your likes or dislikes about being a model?
Natasha Yi: I don’t want to be a crybaby, but the one thing I hate about modeling are catty girls. I don’t understand why girls can’t just be happy for one another instead of judging each other’s looks or being obsessed by another person’s accomplishments. I want to make it clear, that I don’t think in my mind, “Wow, I’m beautiful.” I’m just me and found that sometimes the more beautiful a woman thinks her exterior is the more ugly she becomes on the inside.
PAS: What is your best beauty secret?
Natasha Yi: Don’t you understand a secret is only a secret when nobody knows about it? You guys at PAS have seven-billion readers a month! If I tell you my secret, then it will no longer be a secret. Plus, if I tell you, I will have to kill you (winks).
PAS: How do you keep in such great shape?
Natasha Yi: My fitness regime really depends.… lately, I’m like a yo-yo. One week I’ll run for an hour, hit the weights for 20 minutes, workout my abs for another 20 minutes and eat as healthy as I possibly can. I’ll look in the mirror by the end of the week and say, “Wow, look at my abs!” Then the next week I’ll eat breakfast a few times, have a few lunches, eat a ton of cookies and other snacks, have a big old dinner and then end the night with a box of Popsicles.
PAS: What traits do you like most about yourself?
Natasha Yi: My energy. I’m one of those lucky people that just don’t get tired. I think I get about 4-5 hours of sleep a night.
PAS: What traits do you dislike most about yourself?
Natasha Yi: My clutziness. The biggest danger I face is myself. I trip on small objects and once in a while, I’ll take a serious spill. I almost broke my tailbone a few days ago, leaving an acting gig, so look out! (laughs)
PAS: What is your top unfulfilled fantasy?
Natasha Yi: I fantasize about meeting two gorgeous women at a cocktail party. From across the room they both motion with their hands to follow them upstairs where I can hear the steamy shower running. Our clothes hit the floor and JUST KIDDING! My fantasies to this point have been fulfilled, but thank you for asking (winks).
PAS: Any scars or tattoos?
Natasha Yi: I have two tattoos. One on my lower back that I got right after the first time I rode my motorcycle across the Golden Gate bridge. I earned my wings to fly! My favorite tattoo can only be seen when you lift my hair off of the back of my neck. Because I am an Aries on the cusp of the Pisces sign, I have a beautiful stone tablet emblem that combines the two signs. When you see me out, ask me to show it to you.
PAS: Do you have any pets? What kind?
Natasha Yi: I have two dogs, a miniature American Eskimo named Tessa and a Pomeranian named Miss Tickles.
PAS: What do you like to do for fun?
Natasha Yi: I love riding motorcycles…not little wussy motorcycles.. I mean big, loud, custom made choppers that even guys would be afraid to ride. I have a custom built Arlen Ness Chopper that I love riding when I have free time.
PAS: What frightens you the most?
Natasha Yi: Men that wear those little tiny speedos…If you have to wear one…wax the sideburns! (laughs)
PAS: What’s your most prized possession?
Natasha Yi: I’m not into possessions too much. My little dogs are the things in my home that bring me the greatest joy. Oh, and a man’s XXXX… when it works! (smiles).
PAS: What is your favorite type of food?
Natasha Yi: Have you ever had a Mochi ball? Not everyone has. I swear to God if you try one, it will be your favorite thing in the world too!
PAS: If you had one wish, what would it be?
Natasha Yi: I wish I could run an errand in LA without it taking me 3 hours to do. I really do hate the traffic. I honestly think that one day we will figure out how to transfer molecules and teleport our bodies. That’s my wish….yeah…teleporting!
PAS: What is your greatest regret?
Natasha Yi: You can’t have regrets, only experiences you learn from.
PAS: What quality do you like most in a man?
Natasha Yi: I like someone that makes me laugh and that is honest. I like a guy that makes his woman feel special. I think that’s what most girls want, yet it is so hard to find.
PAS: What can a guy say to make you melt?
Natasha Yi: “Yes Natasha, I will buy you that Prada bag.” Kidding! (laughs)
PAS: How do you seduce a guy?
Natasha Yi: Tickets to a football game…Seriously it works every time girls!
PAS: What advice would you give out to aspiring models?
Natasha Yi: My advice would be, follow your heart. You won’t get every gig that you want, but you can’t get anything if you don’t try. And, have no regrets! Your real friends will be there whether you win or fail.
PAS: Do you have any shout outs or last words?
Natasha Yi: I’d like to give a shout out to the fun and crazy staff at PAS Magazine and in the import industry. I’ll always love you guys for making me feel so special. Also, I’d like to thank for the continuous support … the funniest place I like to visit online. Oh…and don’t forget to visit me at See you there!
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