President: Democratically run with equal participation from all members and no president.
Year Established: 2006
Locations / Chapters: California area of Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, and San Francisco
Members: 18 and growing
Team Sponsors: Continental Tires
Introduction: Created in Southern California, this team put together an ecclectic crew of unique individuals and cars, bringing their personalities and projects to the table. What Team Ar-kan has to offer the world is originality, creativity, professionalism, greatness, and a whole plethora of assets. They not only bond to each other by the cars they drive, but their foundation is based upon the friendship and camaraderie tree. As they go onward through many show seasons, they hope to build even more friendships and create memories that last a lifetime. The vehicles are the blank canvas upon which they express themselves and blow away the crowds with the ‘paintings’ they call mods. They hope people can appreciate the time, work, and effort put into each car, for that is their biggest reward.
Club / Team History: In the summer of 2006, a group of auto enthusiasts came together to form a show team, not only based upon the cars, but rock solid friendships. The result is Team Ar-kan. The name “Ar-kan” is actually the dictionary pronunciation of “arcane,” which means “known or understood by few.” The team likes to always take it to the next level, trying different and unique ideas, which separates them from other teams. As friends, they do not compete with each other in manners which are malicious, but instead compete to make each other better. Team Ar-kan takes pride in sticking together like a family does, through thick and thin. They support each other not only at shows, but throughout daily life. Many members keep in touch even in the offseason and hang out together outside of shows regularly. It is almost like the cars are the gravy on the mashed potatoes, and it is convenient they’re all able to show together. That is what makes it so much fun, being able to chill with people you enjoy and you know have your back 24/7, 365. They are fortunate to have such great members on the team. “As corny as it sounds, we know that later on down the road, even when our cars are long gone, we will still be Team Ar-kan, and nothing can take that away.”
Media Coverage: Modified Feature July 2006 Tony Nazzal, Hot Compacts & Imports 2007 Tony Nazzal, Modified Mag Cover Feb 2007 Pnut Zeya, Modified Feature April 2007 Paul Penas, EuroTuner Feature July 2007 Aaron-Ross Jimenez, Import Tuner Cover Feb 2008 Pnut Zeya, Hot Compacts & Imports 2008 Aaron-Ross Jimenez, and Performance Auto & Sound 2008 Johnny Feng.
Shows Attended: Since their debut at Hot Import Nights, Los Angeles in 2006, Team Ar-kan has shown at every California HIN (along with some out of state HINs), Showoff Event, Drift Event, SPOCOM event, Extreme Autofest and had representation at SEMA. In addition, many cars regularly attend local meets all over California.
Community Involvement: Some of our cars have been used in order to promote local events, for school and places in our community. Come Christmas time, we also regularly participate at Toys4Tots car shows, and donate a vast amount of toys to the organization in order to help put smiles on the faces of those children less fortunate.
Membership Fees: In order to budget for displays for upcoming shows, members pay an undisclosed amount every month in order to not go overboard with our spending. As many of the members are also students holding part-time jobs, it is much easier to pay monthly fees instead of a huge amount before every show.
Final Thoughts: Team Ar-kan is honored to be featured in this enthusiast issue of PAS Magazine. “We feel our car club is a good example of a true team based on friendship and family principles. We hope we’re a good example to other groups out there who have felt like they are not big enough to start their own team from scratch, and that if you help each other out, you can accomplish great things.”
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