Tuning Essentials: Trucks, 8th Edition

In this issue of PASMAG Tuning Essentials: Trucks Vol. 8, we decided to show some lowered love.

Two low-riding trucks on our cover? That has to be some kind of record. Our main cover truck is Neil Tjin’s F-150 that was slammed over 24s to be a SEMA show-stopper. It definitely stopped us in our tracks, just like his previous F-150, which this truck is a direct sequel to! Read on to know what kind of work went into making this Ford so down to earth.

The other two slammed trucks we have featured come from two very different backgrounds, but result in some seriously great creations. Matt Begley’s C-10 hot rod is what American metal dreams are made of, while the Mad Max Tundra produced by the team at Mobile Toys Inc. is something that would make any desert bandit or war boy proud. The amount of work and detail that went into both deserves to be recognized.

To round out the features here, we needed to bring things back up for at least one, so we enlisted Ernie Manansala’s F-5.11 Raptor. This is a truck that would be at home in a warzone or search and rescue. Equipped to be a haven for service men and women, this tactical Raptor is completely functional for pretty much anything, and looks great doing it.

At the front of the book, we’ll discuss some of the newest trucks that the auto show circuit has teased us with for 2019, and, as always, we have some hot new products for your truck and buyers’ guides for both wheels and tires. Everything to kick off your spring just right, plus more!

Thanks for picking us up! Feel free to drop us a note at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you’d like to tell us what we’re doing right, or otherwise.

PASMAG Tuning Essentials: Trucks #8 will be available Q3 March 2018. Click HERE for a full issue preview!

Micky Slinger
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