Owner Name: Carl & Lynda Spivey
Location: Wilmington NC
Vehicle: 1992 Ford Thunderbird
Car Club Affiliation: Severed Ties
What Events have you competed in?
Showfest, ///RA All*Star Event, Heritage, Heat Wave, Spring Fling, Layed out at the Park, DropEm' Wear Cruise Inn, End of Summer Bash, Slamfest, Scrapin' the Coast, Minitruckin' Nats, East Coast Nationals, SEMA, Scrapin' the Smokies, All Ford Nationals, Spring Showdown, NOPI Nationals, Christmas Show & Shine, Booger Bash, Freak Show, Slam Session, Scr8pfest, Draggin Rights, Resurrection, Summer Showdown, etc...
What will be your next performance modification/upgrade?
New trunk layout including new hydraulics, new batteries, new stereo, and a new aquarium.
“All Show”, “All Go” or Both, Why? “ALL SHOW” Why?
Because the faster you go, the blurrier the images are when someone wants to take your picture.
Any Shout Outs?
Upholstery 1 Trim Shop, Carolina Tint, Live Wire Powder Coating, CCE Hydraulics, Kinetik Batteries, Steele Rubber and Gaskets, Shane Clements, Jeff Cayton, Brandon Poirer, our sons, William and Carlton, and our friends and family for all their help and support.